What is Tube China Exhibition?
Tube China Exhibition full name is The All-China International Tube & Pipe Industry Trade Fair,which is an international trade fair for piping industry.And the tube china is held every two years in Shanghai City,China.It is one of the world’s largest trade fair for tube and pipe technologies and products,which has firmly established itself on the fair market as an offshoot of the fair “Tube in Dusseldorf”.
The All-China International Tube & Pipe Industry Trade Fair
Exhibitors in the fair show the full range from production and editing to processing of pipes and present not only raw materials,steel pipes and pipe fittings,but also equipments for pipe manufacturing,process technology tools and various other tools used in piping industry.The Tube China Exhibition is only available to professionals of very different industries such as iron,steel,metal,automotive supplies,electrical,construction,oil,gas and chemical industry,but also for the technical trade,the craft,associations and the energy and water supply.
The Tube China In Shanghai City
Tube China is found in 2004, the fair always works as a forum for innovative technologies and offers one of the best platforms for pipe trading markets.With the industry conference on current issues and challenges of the tube and pipe industry,the trade fair will be perfectly rounded off.
Pre-insulation pipes in China Tube Exhibition
The Tube China,takes place in september every two years.In 2016,it’s the 7th time of this fair in Shanghai.