• Corporate vision to become the pipeline industry Toyota
  • Corporate mission to enhance the quality level of Chinese manufacturing
  • Business goals domestic industry first
ASME B16.49-2012-Factory-Made-Wrought-Steel-Buttwelding-Induction-Bends-for-Transportation-and-Distr

ASME B16.49-2012-Factory-Made-Wrought-Steel-Buttwelding-Induction-Bends-for-Transportation-and-Distr

At the 1994 meeting of Subcommittee F, the project to develop a standard was accepted. Through the cooperation of producers and users familiar with the process, and with approval by the Standards Committee and ASME, ASME B16.49-2000 received approval as an American National Standard on April 25, 2000.

In 2005, the committee undertook a general review of this document. Based on the usage of this Standard over the last 5 years, a number of revisions, clarifications, and additions were determined to be needed to make the document more user friendly. Some requirements were dropped, revised, and clarified to reflect the desires of the users and manufacturers. The reference data were updated and the interpretation section was removed from the Standard. These revisions were incorporated into the B16.49-2007 edition.

In 2012, the committee reviewed this document and made revisions to requirements in hardness testing and updated the references found in Mandatory Appendix I.

This revision was approved by the American National Standards Institute on October 22, 2012.

